Portra 400 Capture One Styles Collection - Presets.io
Portra 400 Capture One Styles Collection - Presets.io
Portra 400 Capture One Styles Collection - Presets.io
Portra 400 Capture One Styles Collection - Presets.io
Portra 400 Capture One Styles Collection - Presets.io
Portra 400 Capture One Styles Collection - Presets.io

Portra 400 Capture One Styles Collection

Regular price $15.00
Sale price $15.00 Regular price $47.00
Save 68%

Transform Your Photos in Seconds

  • Includes:10 Capture One Styles

  • Files: COSTYLE

  • Support: RAW, JPG, DNG

  • File Size:13 KB

  • Delivery:Direct Digital Download


    About the Product

    Transform Your Photos In Seconds!

    Portra 400 Capture One Styles Presets are the perfect solution for professional portrait photographers who want a vintage look with their photos.

    Our templates are designed to make transforming any image into a classic work of art a breeze, whether you prefer desktop or mobile editing.


     10 Capture One Styles For Desktop

    • 10 Capture One Styles For Ipad

    • User Installation & Tutorial Guide 

    Pro tips for Capture One 23:

    Capture One Pro 23 has arrived, and you can now add multiple Layers to your image through Styles and adjust the opacity of each Layer for the best look. Only version 23 supports Layers in Styles. Suppose you're working with other versions (21, 22, Capture One for iPad) or prefer the existing functionality of applying Styles to the background or a single Layer – in that case, all Style Packs include a standard version you can install. Your workflow, your preference.


    Work on Mobile - Tablet - Laptop


    We will provide a download link on the last page and via email once your payment has been processed. If you lose the link, simply log in with your email and retrieve it in the "My Account" section.

    ✉ Our customer support team is always available to assist you through our "Contact Us" page.

    Customer Reviews

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    Honestly gives a really good Portra 400 film camera look and with the options it helps speed work up when it comes to editing

    Kelley Truell - Rios

    These presets are perfect for the film style I'm using now in my photography. Thank you.

    Neil Robinson

    I've only actually used Portra 400 the once but I loved the look. These presets do capture the aesthetic really well and I think I'm going to use them a lot.

    Rheanne Chrisman

    In the past, when I've bought presets that I'm really excited about and look great on the seller's photos, I've been disappointed. They all diminish the quality of the photo and make it look oversaturated, or only work on a very particular type of photo. These presets are super easy and versatile, working on a variety of my travel and vacation photos, and they keep the quality.